MC7 Assessment Example

MC-7d Behavioral Activation (BA)

Summative Assessment Example: BA Role Play and Fidelity Checklist

Students will practice behavioral activation with a role play client for 15 minutes, record session, and upload into CANVAS or LMS. 

Provide students with the fidelity checklist as guidance for role play.  Review recorded sessions. For each item, assess the student on a scale of 0-5 and record the rating. 

Skill being assessedCriteria Comments 
Not observed 
Needs Work 
Developing Proficiency 

Approaching Proficiency 
1. Socialized patient to BA and reviewed symptoms
– Introduced self and role
– Set agenda collaboratively
– Brief review of PHQ-9 symptoms
– Inquired about patient’s goals 
 – Did not introduce self, set an agenda, review PHQ-9, or ask about goals – Partially introduced self
– Mentioned an agenda
– Gave a limited PHQ-9 review
– Asked about goals with no follow-up 
– Introduced self and role
– Stated an agenda
– Gave a brief PHQ-9 review
– Asked about goals with minimal engagement 
– Introduced self and role
– Set an agenda with some patient input
– Reviewed PHQ-9 symptoms with minor gaps
– Asked about the patient’s goals with some follow-up 
– Clearly introduced self
– Set a collaborative agenda
– Reviewed PHQ-9 symptoms accurately
– Explored patient goals 
2. Educated patient about depression, and engaged in BA 
– Provided psychoeducation
– Linked depression to decreased activity
– Described how BA works 
 – Did not provide psychoeducation, link depression to activity, or explain BA. – Provided limited psychoeducation
– Weakly connected depression to decreased activity
– Gave a vague or incomplete explanation of BA 
– Gave basic psychoeducation
– Mentioned the depression-activity link 
– Gave a brief or unclear explanation of BA 
– Provided psychoeducation
– Made the connection between depression and decreased activity- Described BA with minor lack of detail 
– Clearly provided psychoeducation
– Linked depression to decreased activity
– Explained behavioral activation (BA) effectively 
3. Developed list of pleasant and rewarding activities
– Reviewed and listed physical, social, and other activity goals
– Rated degree of difficulty 
 – Did not review goals or rate difficulty – Listed few activity goals
– Rated difficulty vaguely or inconsistently 
– Listed some activity goals
– Provided a basic difficulty rating 
– Reviewed and listed activity goals with minor gaps
– Rated difficulty with some accuracy 
– Thoroughly reviewed and listed physical, social, and other activity goals
– Rated difficulty of each accurately 
4. Scheduled activities 
– Introduced activity form. 
– Helped patient pick feasible daily activities. 
– Helped specify details (what, when, where, with whom). 
– Discussed and addressed obstacles. 
 – Did not introduce the form, suggest activities, specify details, or address obstacles.   – Introduced the form with little guidance in selecting details
– Minimally addressed obstacles 
– Introduced the activity form
– Helped select activities
– Provided limited details
– Mentioned obstacles without fully addressing them 
– Introduced the activity form 
– Helped the patient select activities 
– Specified some details 
– Discussed obstacles with minor gaps 
– Clearly introduced the activity form
– Helped the patient select feasible activities
– Specified key details
– Addressed obstacles effectively 
5. Concluded 
– Ensure patient access to educational materials including
– Activity List & Weekly Activity Schedule.
– Discussed where to put materials as a reminder.
– Discussed importance of follow through with rating and satisfaction. 
 – Did not provide materials, discuss reminders, or emphasize follow-through.  – Provided materials with minimal explanation
– Did not address reminders or follow-through 
– Provided materials but gave limited guidance on reminders or follow-through – Provided materials
– Mentioned reminder placement
– Briefly discussed follow-through  
– Ensured patient access to materials
– Discussed reminder placement
– Emphasized importance of follow-through with ratings and satisfaction 
6. Process tasks 
– Set and kept agenda. 
– Facilitated independence in guiding BA process 
 – Did not set an agenda or promote patient independence in the BA process – Attempted to set an agenda but was inconsistent
– Did not encourage patient independence 
– Set an agenda but struggled to maintain focus 
– Provided minimal support for patient independence 
– Set and mostly kept the agenda
– Encouraged some patient independence in the BA process 
– Set and maintained the agenda while actively promoting patient independence in guiding the BA process  
7. Communication and interpersonal skills 
– Supported communication (supportive vocalizations/ non-verbals).
– Used patient’s own language and phrases.
– Warm, confident, professional.
– Tactfully limited peripheral and unproductive discussion. 
 – Did not provide supportive communication or use the patient’s language
– Lacked professionalism and allowed unproductive discussion to dominate 
– Limited use of supportive communication and the patient’s language
– Lacked warmth and professionalism, with frequent unproductive discussion 
– Used some supportive communication, but was inconsistent in using the patient’s language or maintaining professionalism
– Had difficulty limiting unproductive discussion 
– Used supportive communication and the patient’s language with some warmth and professionalism
– Occasional lapses in limiting unproductive discussion but redirected well 
– Consistently  used supportive communication through vocalizations and non-verbals
– Used the patient’s own language
– Maintained warmth, confidence, and professionalism
– Tactfully limited unproductive discussion 
8. Global rating
– Overall student rating for observed session